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澳⼤利亚悉尼科技⼤学                                    英国埃塞克斯⼤学

                                                               University of Technology Sydney                     University of Essex

              澳⼤利亚悉尼科技⼤学 (University of Technology Sydney)是⼀所以商、法、教育、科技为主的综合性⼤                                         英国埃塞克斯⼤学(University of Essex)建校于 1964 年,位处英格兰东部地区,拥有科尔切斯特、绍森德
          学,澳⼤利亚名校之⼀。产学研⾼度融合,以与⾏业和产业的紧密联系⽽闻名于世。在2021年QS世界⼤学排名                                                      和劳顿三⼤校区。作为世界顶尖⼤学,埃塞克斯⼤学是⼀所全英教学质量(TEF  全英最⾼⾦奖)和综合科研实

          第133位,澳⼤利亚第9,被评为世界五星级⾼校,位居QS世界年轻⼤学(建校历史短于50年的⼤学)排名全球                                                     ⼒(REF 全英前20)的“双⼀流”⾼校,更是英格兰⼀所公⽴研究型⼤学,⼀所国际化程度极⾼的⼤学,⼤学的国
          第11,全澳第1。2021年毕业⽣就业率全球第64位。                                                                              际化视野位居全球第22位(THE 2021),全球147多个国家的学⽣和教师⻬聚在埃塞克斯⼤学。
              University of Technology Sydney is a dynamic and innovative university in central Sydney. Being one of Australia's   The  University  of  Essex  (lies  on  Eastern  England)  is  a  public  research  university,  established  in  1964  with  three
          leading universities, University of Technology Sydney has a distinct model of learning, strong research performance and a   campuses in Colchester, Southend and Loughton. The University of Essex is a world-leading university with excellence in
          leading  reputation  for  engagement  with  industry  and  the  professions.  University  of  Technology  Sydney  is  ranked  1st  in   both teaching quality (TEF Gold Award) and research competence (REF top 20 in UK 2014 ). As an international university,
          Australia  and  top  11  globally  in  2021  QS  Top  50  under  50  and  ranked  top  133  in  2021  QS  World  University  Rankings.  Its   The  University  of  Essex  has  students  and  academic  staff  from  more  than  147  different  countries,  ranked  22nd  for
          graduate employment rate is ranked top 64 worldwide in 2021.                                             international outlook in the THE Rankings 2021.

                                                                                                                                                                                   University of Dundee
          Queen's University Belfast
                                                                                                                      英国邓迪⼤学(University  of  Dundee)始创⽴于  1881  年,是⼀座坐落于英国邓迪市的世界⼀流的著名
                                                                                                                  研究型⼤学。QS  世界⼤学综合排名前1%精英⼤学,世界⾼校科研影响⼒  Top100,科研⽔平在欧洲以及全球
              英国⼥王⼤学(Queen's University Belfast) 建于1845年,是英国历史最悠久的九所⼤学之⼀,是有“英国                                    有着极⾼的声誉,连续六年(2010-2016)苏格兰⼤学满意度第⼀,并获得  2020  年泰晤⼠星期⽇报年度学⽣最
          常春藤”之称的英国名校联盟罗素⼤学集团成员之⼀,在1908年获得皇家特许证书。学⽣就业率排名全英前                                                       佳体验⼤学。2021 年 TIMES 英国⼤学排名第 23,英国《卫报》⼤学排名第 19 位。邓迪⼤学在许多领域具有世界
          ⼗,毕业⽣在当地百强企业的80家公司中担任⾼级领导职务。                                                                            ⼀流⽔平,其中最为突出的学科领域包括:⽣命科学、医学、教育学、计算机、⾦融、会计、法律、建筑、艺术与设
              Queen's University Belfast is a UK Top 10 research-intensive university. It is the 9th oldest University in the UK and a
          member of the Russell Group. Queen's University Belfast's graduate employment rate is ranked Top 10 in UK with graduates   Founded  in  1881,  University  of  Dundee  is  a  world-class  research  university  located  in  Dundee,  UK.  As  the  top  1%
          employed in senior leadership positions by 80 of the Top 100 companies in Northern Ireland.             prestigious university based on QS World University Ranking and top 100th in terms of scientific research influence of world
                                                                                                                  universities, University of Dundee has a high reputation in Europe and the world in terms of scientific research level. For six
                                                                                                                  consecutive years (2010-2016), University of Dundee has been ranked 1st in student satisfaction and won the best student
                                                                                                                  experience University in Sunday Times 2020. University of Dundee is ranked Top 23 Best Universities in UK in the Times 2021
                                                                                                                  and  top  19  in  the  Guardian  2021.  University  of  Dundee  has  a  world-class  level  in  many  fields,  among  which  the  most
                                                                                                                  prominent disciplines include Life Science, Medicine, Education, Computer, Finance, Accounting, Law, Architecture, Art and
                                                                                                                  Design, Mechanical Engineering, etc.

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