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澳⼤利亚伍伦贡⼤学  美国密苏⾥科技⼤学

 University of Wollongong  Missouri University of Science and Technology

 澳⼤利亚伍伦贡⼤学(University of Wollongong)是⼀所以教育、⼯程、科技、商学、⾃然科学为主的综合  美国密苏⾥科技⼤学(Missouri  University  of  Science  and  Technology)是集⼟⽊、电⼦、机械、化⼯等
 性⼤学,其信息技术、计算机科学、⼯程学领域代表全澳顶尖⽔平。世界⼤学综合排名前1%,科研实⼒前1%。澳  多学科于⼀体的综合性⼤学,办学历史悠久,科研实⼒雄厚,其毕业⽣起薪待遇位居美国中西部⼤学第⼀。
 ⼤利亚伍伦贡⼤学2021年QS世界⼤学排名第196位,其中⼯程与信息科学学院是“澳洲⼋⼤⼯程联盟”之⼀,  2016年被《美国新闻》评为“全美最佳院校”和“全美最佳公⽴⼤学”。其商学院是全球仅有5%的获得国际⾼等
 代表了澳洲⼯程最⾼⽔平,在2020泰晤⼠学科排名中名列全球91。被评为“五星级优秀⼤学”,是全球现代化程  商业学会认证的商学院之⼀,为学⽣提供体验式学习和培养⾼级商界精英为导向的商科专业。
             Missouri University of Science and Technology is ranked one of the Best Colleges and top 100 Public Universities in the
 The  University  of  Wollongong  ranks  among  the  top  1%  of  universities  in  the  world  with  an  enviable  record  of   United States (U.S. News 2016). With a long history and strong scientific research strength, it is the top one in Middle West of
 achievement in teaching and research. University of Wollongong is ranked top196 in 2021 QS World University Rankings. The   US for the best starting salary of graduates. Being one of the 5% business schools in the world with AACSB accreditation, it
 School  of  Engineering  and  Information  Science  represents  the  highest  level  of  engineering  in  Australia,  ranking  top  91   offers students experiential learning and enterprise-oriented business programs.
 globally in the 2020 THE discipline rankings. It is also rated as a five-star university and ranked as one of the world's best
 modern universities.



 University of Huddersfield

 英国哈德斯菲尔德⼤学(University  of  Huddersfield)  是⼀所公⽴综合性⼤学学校,拥有世界⼀流⽔平


 With  world-class  centers  of  research  excellence  and  specialist  facilities,  the  University  of  Huddersfield  is  a
 comprehensive  public  university,  which  is  UK's  first  university  where  100%  of  permanent  teaching  staff  have  been
 accredited  by  the  Higher  Education  Academy  of  UK,  offering  UK's  Top  5  'sandwich  courses'  to  students.  It  has  got
 professional accreditation in courses like Law, Architecture, Psychology, Pharmacy, Accountancy, Chemistry, Engineering
 and Computing and CMI, CIPD, APM and IDM accreditations in Business Studies. University of Huddersfield has been ranked
 as the best quality university by the UK Quality Assurance Agency of Higher Education.

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